*This blog post is a sponsored opportunity and all opinions are mine.
GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN provides a glimpse into the failed relationship between Winnie-the-Pooh author, Alan Alexander Milne, and his son Christopher Robin. The film, unlike the internationally acclaimed children’s books, addresses dark themes and mature subject matters such as post-traumatic stress, marital strain, tension between parents and caregivers – just to name a few. One poignant message in GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN is the deterioration of the father and son relationship after the international success of Winnie-the-Pooh.

Domhnall Gleeson and Will Tilston in the film GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Photo by David Appleby. © 2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation All Rights Reserved
In the film, father and son barely spoke except during the brief periods both played together in their imaginary world where the inspired characters behind Winnie-the-Pooh would come to life. The seldom but precious moments shared by father and son are soon spoiled by Milne as he exploits their private adventures for literary fame and fortune. In this blog post, I explore this theme and how it relates to my life as a blogger – sharing private moments with the insta-world, Twitter-sphere and beyond.

Will Tilston and Domhnall Gleeson in the film GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Photo by David Appleby. © 2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation All Rights Reserved
As a food and lifestyle blogger, I try to be conscious of how often I flash my iPhone camera or how active I am on social media portals in the presence of family and friends. As a blogger, I have pondered – at what point do I put the phone down? I have been blogging approximately four years and there has been a change in my behavior since I first started this journey. During my initial blogging years, I was constantly taking pictures, posting on social media portals and monitoring my social media activity regardless of whether I was alone or in the company of family or friends. During my initial blogging years, I felt as though I was in a race to capture the right shot or be first to post to social media the much coveted dish or bite. Over time, I learned to be more aware and respectful of those around me by not being so intrusive with my iPhone. I also learned to be more present and enjoy the company of family and friends.
As I approach my fourth year of blogging, I attack my projects and everyday interaction with social media differently. Yes, you will always catch me with my iPhone in hand ready to capture the “perfect” foodie photo once the meal arrives to the table. If I am dining with a friend or family member, I might ask them to help me with extra lighting from their cell phone, if we are at a dimly lit restaurant. However, once the pictures are taken, I make my best effort to put the phone down in my purse. The Instagram, Twitter and Facebook posts will come later. The rare exceptions are when I dine alone or am attending a blogger event. What I do now is my process and is what works for me. This process gives me the time to enjoy the food, savor the experience and most importantly be present with my family and friends. I treasure my relationships and don’t ever want to be in a situation where a family member or a friend do not want to be in my company because I am absent or occupied with my phone during my quality time with them.
I do not have children, but my six-year-old niece has not shied away from asking me why I have to take so many pictures. She has also insisted that I only take pictures of my food and not everyone else’s at the table because everyone else’s food will get cold. I have explained to her what I do as a blogger and why it is important to me, however, I am also now very cautious not to sour her or my family’s dining experience.
Although GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN does tackle heavy subjects, I did enjoy the film. Warning, you may tear up a time or two. I found the acting to be superb, especially that of Will Tilston, the eight year old actor that portrays Christopher Robin in the film. It’s a great film for adults, however, I do caution that the themes are too strong for a younger audience. It is a great film to watch and reflect on as we approach and share the holidays with family and friends. The movie was released in the US on October 13th.

Kelly Macdonald and Will Tilston in the film GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Photo by David Appleby. © 2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation All Rights Reserved

Will Tilston in the film GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Photo by Ben Smithard. © 2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation All Rights Reserved
Goodbye Christopher Robin looks like such a good film! And it’s true – even before I started blogging and was just posting things on social media, I had a hard time waiting to post things until after the time spent with friends and family was over. Now that I have a better balance, I can devote more time to spending it with others and still have good social media content.
I completely agree!!
What a great recount of the movie and the importance it has. Also, sharing your personal experience with capturing food. My husband and I have a rule, he eats when he wants no matter if I have my shot or not. So I make an effort to be quick and take a pic of only my plate.
Its great to have a partner who understands your passion.
As a blogger/writer, I truly understand the struggle. My livelihood is via the internet, social media, etc. However, my family is my life. Like you, I do my best to act quickly and then put the phone away to be present. I’m blessed that they understand and also participate.
This movie seems like a winner. I’m curious and want to see it because of your experience. Thanks for the recap!
Hope you do get to see it. Let me know what you think.
This is such a good post! I often think about this, too. Thankfully I am naturally someone who is apt to not be picking up the camera…in fact, that often feels like a hindrance to the blogger side of me! But it’s good to remember that it can quickly turn into too much.
That is great that you are not apt to picking up the camera. It can definitely turn into too much. I am so much conscious now about being present.
I am a new blogger so I am listening to what you are saying about putting the phone down. I will be more conscious of taking pictures quickly and then enjoying time with family or friends.
I would love to see the movie. You have piqued my curiosity!
Awesome! Hope you see the movie, too!
This movie looks so great and I def want to go see it with my mom as she knows I was obsessed with Pooh as a kid!
Awesome! Just note that the themes are adult/mature. But as a fan, you will appreciate the back story.
This is a really helpful review. I appreciate how you related it to your own life as a blogger. I think we all have to make an effort to be self aware of how often we have our phones out, when to take photos/be in the moment, etc. It can sometimes be a tough balance. I think your rules about trying to get the photo, then save the post for later is a good one!
Thank you!
A very close friend of the family just gifted my 7-month-old son with the complete set of Winnie-the-Pooh books and I just started reading them to him. I’ve never read the actual books so I’m looking forward to reading them to my son as much as I hope my son is to hearing them, especially as he gets older. That said, I feel like this movie will tug on my heart strings so much! But I love how you relate the movie to your life as a blogger. Thanks so much for sharing. Now I’ll know what I’m getting myself into when I see the movie.
Yes, just keep in buying that the movie is adult themed and a backstory about the books. I think as a parent you will appreciate it.
I totally want to see this movie now! It sounds so good.
-xo, Azanique | http://www.lotsofsass.com
I really enjoyed it! Hope you are able to check it out.
Wow, I had no idea how Winnie the Pooh came to be!
I agree with you, because I blog I do oftern take pictures but if I am out with friends/family I try to enjoy my time with them. So I will snap and post later!
Yes, great movie. Hopefully you have a chance to check it out.
You just confirmed why I know I need to see this movie sooner rather than later. I love movies that give a glimpse into the genius behind the minds and lives of the people who create the characters we love the most.
Yes, it’s a must see!